Saturday, October 25, 2008

rapping and rhyming and other nonsense

every day every day i will write every day...
oh that was a little rap song. I write them all the time. They're pretty much two lines long and either rhyme a word with itself (see first example), or they end in *verb* a mother mother *noun*. Although, come to think of it, the *noun in that example is always rhymed with itself too. In other words, i can not write raps or songs of any sort. We do however own a rhyming dictionary - you'd think i could come up with more creative rhymes than always rhyming words with themselves with one of those lying around, but no.

Oh, so life story. Today, when i took evey to school she was again very happy to be there, immediately she was laughing and pointing to the teachers. I was at school for about 10 minutes today (i was going to leave sooner, really i was, but one of the teachers ran a quick errand right after we showed up). AND when i picked her up (well jason and i both did- fun friday) she was happy to see us but not eager to leave! AND AND she took not 1 not 2 but 3 naps! two were 30 minutes and one was 45! AND AND AND (uggh that's annoying now) they got her to sleep by patting her back - PATTING HER BACK! Now if you've ever tried to put Evey to sleep you should know that this is pretty much impossible. I don't know how they did it, but hooray that they did!

Today for dinner we had leftover turkey from the easy 17 step recipe from a few days ago. The re-heating of the meal was much easier than the original production:
1) put stuffing on the stove to heat
2) put child to bed
3) it's now 45 minutes later and your husband (if you're lucky) has taken the stuffing OFF of the stove to keep it from burning
4) put the stuffing back on the stove
5) remove top from container containing (ha) the leftover turkey and vegetables
6) heat in microwave for 2-3 minutes
7) get caught up in watching videos on youtube and go back and re-reheat the dinner
8) serve! Yay!

see! leftovers cut the work in half!

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